Healthy Lifestyle Practices THC detox

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In addition to using the all-natural Green Gone THC detox kits, these healthy lifestyle practices bring additional detox benefits.

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We’ve previously covered some of the attributes of the Green Gone Detox kits and how they’ve helped their customers get the results they need in a pinch. In this post, we’ll discuss some actions you can take outside of just consuming Green Gone Detox’s herbal supplements. By implementing these additional healthy lifestyle practices, you can enhance your THC detox in a positive way and maximize all the benefits of detoxing.

Additionally, another silver lining of these detox actions is that you can begin to make positive small lifestyle modifications for improved health and well-being. These healthy lifestyle practices are also largely either cheap or entirely free—which is nice for those of us struggling with the “inflation blues.”


How to Detox THC Properly

So, you decide you want to detox THC? After purchasing a Green Gone Detox kit, it makes sense that you’d want to get the most out of it. Alternatively, you want to give it a go on your own and improve your time to a negative test. There are four major factors that play a role in increasing the metabolism and excretion of THC.

Diet: Green Gone recommends carbohydrate control, optimally fewer than 100g/day, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, limiting carbohydrates—and inevitably burning some stored ones—will release free water and help produce a diuretic effect. Days later, as one runs lower on stored carbohydrates in the form of glycogen stored in the liver, this promotes fat burning in lieu of carb burning. This helps free up stubborn metabolites deep in the fat tissue so they can be broken down and cleared by both urinary and fecal excretion.

As well as limiting carbohydrates, it’s also recommended to maximize fiber intake. Current recommendations for daily intake are around 20 grams of soluble fiber, and the average American gets far less than that commonly. By adding more fiber to your diet, you bind metabolites better in the gut, to be later excreted with the feces.

Healthy Lifestyle Practices

Exercise: This will help boost a THC detox in a couple of different ways. Cardiovascular exercise that produces a decent sweat is optimal for our purposes. The sweat generated also will contain THC metabolites and gives the user another avenue by which to eliminate THC from their system. Additionally, over time—and sometimes on a longer timeline than realistically inside the scope of a one to two-week detox—you will increase your baseline metabolism. Yet, every little bit helps, and we encourage our customers to select an amount of cardio they’re comfortable with. If questioning whether you’re healthy enough for cardio, we recommend checking in with your primary care provider (PCP). It doesn’t have to be overly strenuous; simply wherever a comfort level can be found while still getting a good sweat rolling.

Avoidance of alcohol: This one is rather straightforward. When your liver is “busy” breaking down alcohol, it can’t perform a variety of other functions. For our purposes, the function we need the liver to accomplish is the conversion of THC, which is very lipophilic, to a water-soluble carboxylate version that can be eliminated by the body much easier, known as THCOOH. This molecule can then be urinated and defecated out; participate in phase 2 liver reactions in which the water solubility is improved dramatically and then later eliminated. We define light alcohol usage as a maximum of two standard drinks (two beers; two 4-6 oz glasses of wine, or two shots of liquor or mixed drinks daily). Optimally, even less or no alcohol is best.

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Hydration: This step should come as no surprise. As we produce a dieresis and attempt to clear urine rich in metabolites away, we need to replace that volume with fresh water. In our experience, the daily recommended amount of 64 oz of water is plenty. Most people get far less hydration than that. However, if you’ve been sweating due to cardio exercise, then more water may be needed so that you can replace what’s been sweated out and then some.

In conclusion, there are several small healthy lifestyle practices that can be made to boost a THC detox. The most important include diet, exercise, alcohol limitations and robust hydration with water. If you’re still having trouble, Green Gone Detox is here to support you and offer additional tips. Green Gone Detox kits are made in the USA at a GMP-certified, FDA-approved facility, are designed by licensed pharmacists, and feature a 30-day risk-free money-back guarantee. When you take on these healthy lifestyle changes in addition to using the Green Gone Detox kit, you can expect to come out feeling like a winner.


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