Another North Carolina Senate committee has approved a bill to legalize medical marijuana—the third panel to advance the measure in as many days. The momentum in the Senate comes shortly after a top House lawmaker said his chamber is positioned to enact the reform this session despite blocking similar legislation last year.

The Senate Rules and Operations Committee advanced the proposal from Sen. Bill Rabon (R), who serves as chair of the panel, in a voice vote on Thursday.

The bill, which cleared the Judiciary and Finance Committees earlier this week, next heads to a vote on the Senate floor—expected next week.

The legislation would allow patients with qualifying conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and multiple sclerosis to possess and purchase cannabis from licensed dispensaries.

“The intent of this bill is only to make  changes to the current law on cannabis in North Carolina to protect patients and doctors from criminal and civil liability and does not intend in any way to change current civil and criminal laws for the non-medical use of marijuana.”

“it’s a very tight bill,” he said.

Ahead of the vote, Rabon also read out loud a letter from a woman whose dying mother found relief from medical cannabis toward the end of her life.

“You can say what you want,” the senator said, noting that he has received hundreds of other such stories. “This is real… We should always believe in our fellow man, and we should always try to help them.”

Advocates are confident that the legislation will make it through the Senate, as the prior version did during the past session. What’s been less certain is how the GOP-controlled House will approach the issue.

But in a recent podcast interview, House Speaker Tim Moore (R) indicated that he feels the chamber’s new political makeup may give the legislation a pathway for passage.

“I think there’s been a change. We have a lot of new members,” he said, adding that he believes more than 50 percent of lawmakers now back medical cannabis reform. “I would not be surprised at all if that bill moved. I think the odds are more likely than not that something will happen on that.”

That’s a significant change in tone for the speaker, who previously remarked that there were “a lot of concerns” with Rabon’s bill.

Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger (R) said in an interview with the same podcast that the legislation his chamber advanced last session was “well-constructed” and “addressed a lot of the concerns that people have” while providing a needed treatment option for patients with serious illnesses.

Here are the key provisions of the medical cannabis legislation, SB 3: 

Patients would be allowed to access cannabis if they have a “debilitating medical condition” such as cancer, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Smoking and vaping would also be allowed, but doctors would need to prescribe a specific method of delivery and dosages for patients under the revised legislation. And they would need to reevaluate patients’ eligibility for the program at least once a year.

The bill provides for up to 10 medical marijuana suppliers who control the cultivation and sale of cannabis. Each supplier can operate up to eight dispensaries. That’s double the dispensary cap laid out in the earlier version.

Under the bill, a Compassionate Use Advisory Board would be established, and it could add new qualifying medical conditions.

Separately, a Medical Cannabis Production Commission would be created to ensure that there’s an adequate supply of cannabis for patients, oversee licensing and generate enough revenue to regulate the program.

The measure would further create a North Carolina Cannabis Research Program to “undertake objective, scientific research regarding the administration of cannabis or cannabis-infused products as part of medical treatment.”

There don’t appear to be specific equity provisions that many advocates push for as part of legalization legislation.

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A findings section in the bill states that it’s the intent of the legislature “prioritize the protection of public health and safety in the creation of a system for the cultivation, processing, and selling of medical cannabis.”

Further, “the General Assembly that the regulatory system created by this Article be nimble and able to respond quickly to changes in the rapidly-evolving cannabis industry.”

Kevin Caldwell of the Marijuana Policy Project said that the group is “pleased” to see the bill’s rapid progress this year.

“We hope to see that continue on the Senate floor and that the House of Representatives takes up this legislation in a timely manner,” he told Marijuana Moment. “The patients of North Carolina deserve access to safe, laboratory tested medical cannabis as the citizens in 37 other states have… North Carolinians with debilitating conditions should not be forced to the illicit market, with both the legal and health risks associated with that market.”

A poll released this month found that North Carolinians are also ready for the reform, with about three in four voters saying they back medical cannabis legalization.

For his part, Gov. Roy Cooper (D) said in December that he thinks a medical marijuana legalization bill “has an opportunity to pass” this session, and he also reiterated his support for broader decriminalization of cannabis possession, noting racial disparities in enforcement.

Cooper’s public support for decriminalization is a relatively recent development. He first openly backed the policy change in October, saying that it’s time to “end the stigma,” while separately announcing steps he’s taken to explore his options for independently granting relief to people with existing convictions.

Following President Joe Biden’s mass pardon announcement in October, which also involved a call to action for governors to provide state-level relief, Cooper said that he’s directed state attorneys to review pardon authority for marijuana offenses.

The governor separately convened a North Carolina Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice that previously recommended decriminalizing marijuana. The report from the panel, which is chaired by state Attorney General Josh Stein (D), also included a recommendation for the state to initiate a study on whether to more broadly legalize cannabis sales.

Under current law, possessing more than half an ounce up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis is a class 1 misdemeanor, subject to up to 45 days imprisonment and a $200 fine. In 2019, there were 3,422 such charges and 1,909 convictions, with 70 percent of those convicted being nonwhite.

Photo courtesy of Chris Wallis // Side Pocket Images.

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