These are some of the things that the media and social networks do not tell you about Tijuana Mexico. Watch how I walk the streets of downtown Tijuana on Avenida Revolucin and talk to some of the locals and discover some things that I would never have known if I had only listened to the news. In this video I also give you tips on the best hotels in Zona Centro and Tijuana Mexico. This video is packed with amazing interviews, great atmosphere, and information that you could only get by watching one of of the Jacques Wilkens’ Walk & Talk videos. Hope you enjoy this video.

Best Hotel To Stay In Tijuana|What They Are Not Telling You About Tijuana Mexico #zonanorte #tijuana

Estas son algunas de las cosas que los medios y las redes sociales no te dicen sobre Tijuana Mxico. Mire cmo camino por las calles del centro de Tijuana en la Avenida Revolucin y hablo con algunos de los lugareos y descubro algunas cosas que nunca hubiera sabido si solo hubiera escuchado las noticias. En este video tambin les doy consejos sobre el mejor hotel en Zona Centro y Tijuana Mxico. Este video est repleto de entrevistas increbles, excelente ambiente e informacin que solo podra obtener viendo uno de los videos Walk & Talk de Jacques Wilkens. Espero que disfrutes este video.

More Of My Zona Norte Videos… />… />… />… />… />
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