(23 Oct 1995) Eng/Taga/Nat
It’s a city renowned for its hospitable and keenly competitive bars, but this one has a unique attraction.
The Hobbit House in the Philippines’ capital, Manila, boasts more than just food, drink and music.
Its staff are a small but significant part of its pulling power.
This is Hobbit House, a pub located within the former red light district of Manila.
The venue has been attracting customers for 20 years.
But it’s not the great line-up of bands, the food, or even glamorous bar-girls that’s pulling in the crowds.
The customers come to Hobbit House for its unique staff…
UPSOUND: “Hey boss! Hobbit House, sir.”
The pub employs 12 dwarves who work alongside staff of normal height.
They mingle with customers, serving drinks.
The dwarves don’t feel exploited – they say working at Hobbit House gives them an opportunity to make a decent living.
SOUNDBITE: (In English)
“We are really happy because you know, maybe without Hobbit House, where can we work? Whose company will be willing to accept us because we are in this situation?”
SUPER CAPTION: Elpidio Fetalino, Staff Manager Hobbit House
More than a job, Hobbit House has given its staff a new lease of life. For some it has even led to marriage.
SOUNDBITE: (In Tagalog)
“Now I am happy because I see my fellow midgets and this is where I found my family, my husband, then came my children. So I told myself, if I did not find this Hobbit House I cannot say that I am really happy.”
SUPER CAPTION: Zenaida Morihon, Hobbit House waitress
After winding up for the night, the staff sometimes respond to customers’ requests for a dance or a song.
They don’t mind. They say that for them Hobbit House is like a home where they can all share a happy and respectable life together.

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